dDub News
Kia Ora & Welcome,

After a massive summer and a hugely successful album release, dDub have been taking a bit of a break- some time to relax, recoup- actually keeping warm in this cold weather has been the main priority!

But you'll be happy to hear that the boys have had their heads down in the studio writing new material. So watch out for some great new tunes in the near future.

Rest is a wonderful thing, but this band don't stay put for long. June sees the lads embark once again on their annual Winter Tour. Beginning June 16th in Coromandel, the band will zig zag  backwards up down and all around Aotearoa  playing a month's  worth of  "hands high" dDub shows.

This tour will be a 'labour of love'. Yep, we do it for the LOVE people. For the love of music, the love of our country and for the love of you- our lovely fantastic supporters!
So check the GIG GUIDE and get along to the next dDub gig near - you know you wont' regret it....

Listen out for dDub's new song on the radio "Comfort"- it'd be really sweet as of you could all ring/ text/ email your favourite radio station and request the song.
Then the dDub vibe gets out even more!

dDub Live Performance screening  on Juice TV Fri 19th May 7.30pm and 11pm
Check it out!


Check the new pics in the PHOTO GALLERY- JUICE TV LIVE SHOTS

Plus pics by Roger Grauwmeijer www.roxpx.com

Awake at Dawn Album Reviews


The first pressing has sold out! - Borders music had to re-press immediately to fill initial orders.Here are some of the reviews from around the country.

“Awake At Dawn perfectly captures the spirit of a band who are renowned for the tightness of their live set… this album sees Auckland stake it’s rightful place in the Aotearoa dub scene” 
   - Amplifier.co.nz

 "… Local skanksters dDub assemble a digital dance party piece that    could help snap the nation out of  it’s Prozac-reggae slumber.… Derek Browne [dDub frontman] is a master of sing along phrasing. … The production shines, Matt Shanks bass boasts more monster than King Kong.”

   -   The Herald Feb 18 02 06  -  4 stars -  Alan Perrott

“Don’t get mad, get even - tempered.  Listening to this early one morning with the blinds half open, the sun cheekily peeking through and early birds going about their business was utterly blissful.  This sunny debut album from dDub might have had a gestation period longer than an elephant but it’s been well and truly worth the wait.  After four-odd years of touring NZ dDub are established as a great vibrant live band and this 11- track morsel captures their corpulent horn slash roots rock sound well.  Highlights? I say go with The Flow featuring the bright vocals of Caitlin Smith, the ethereal No Smoke and the lush Juju Mama but every track is uplifting and infinitely listenable.  I thoroughly recommend waking up early on Monday and getting your copy.  A slice of heaven made in NZ. "   
        -  Christchurch Press  18/02/06  -  4 1/2 Stars   Vicki Anderson 

 “Named after the lengthy experience of recording during the cheaper graveyard shift, is the six strong Auckland band’s first full-length album.  A long awaited recording for their substantial fan base, it loses none of the magical essence of a dDub live show.  Pumping out a raw roots Pacifica aural experience with bold brass and unapologetic passion, it’s hard to imagine the band slogging it out in a studio “till the wee hours” while sounding like they’re on an outdoor stage on a summer’s day.  The lines flow: “I just want to make you see / You can come to me for comfort / An island when you’re lost at sea…”  And indeed if Aotearoa roots rock reggae culture could be called a living thriving smorgasbord of sound, dDub would be the mashed potatoes and mum’s pavlova.  Good old kiwi comfort food for the nations soul.  For every up-strum there’s and adjoining uplifting lyric or political entreaty. These boys are here to remind us that there are still good guys out there and they’re doing their damnedest to make the world a better place for us all. “                                                                                     
       -    Real Groove Magazine 03 2006 – 4 Stars   Sharyn Croft   